Tag: grafana

Unifying Grafana Community Forums

This article was initially posted at https://k6.io/blog/k6-forum-migration/. We are excited to announce a significant change to the k6 community forum. Starting on July 25th, at 14:00 UTC, we will merge the k6 community forum with the Grafana community forum. This migration will create a unified forum for the entire Grafana community, so users

Grafana Cloud Adaptive Metrics

Metrics Cost Management with Grafana Adaptive Metrics

In this talk we introduce how Grafana Cloud tackles the problem of unmanageable metrics growth with Adaptive Metrics, the newest cardinality optimization feature in Grafana Cloud that eliminates unused and partially used time series through customized aggregation.

Unifying Grafana Community Forums

This article was initially posted at https://k6.io/blog/k6-forum-migration/. We are excited to announce a significant change to the k6 community forum. Starting on July 25th, at 14:00 UTC, we will merge the k6 community forum with the Grafana community forum. This migration will create a unified forum for the entire Grafana community, so users

Grafana Cloud Adaptive Metrics

Metrics Cost Management with Grafana Adaptive Metrics

In this talk we introduce how Grafana Cloud tackles the problem of unmanageable metrics growth with Adaptive Metrics, the newest cardinality optimization feature in Grafana Cloud that eliminates unused and partially used time series through customized aggregation.