Unearthing the impact of survivorship bias on women in FOSS to build more inclusive communities

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Unearthing the impact of survivorship bias on women in FOSS to build more inclusive communities

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Open-source software thrives on diverse perspectives, yet women remain significantly underrepresented in FOSS communities.

While we celebrate women who’ve “made it”—and their visibility is vital—survivorship bias hides a crucial truth: up to half leave tech by age 35, women exit at a higher rate than men, and many never even join the field.

This talk delves into the concept of survivorship bias—the tendency to focus on successful individuals while ignoring those who faced barriers—and how it impacts women in open source. You’ll learn how this bias skews community perceptions, perpetuates systemic challenges, and limits opportunities.

By examining barriers like unwelcoming dynamics, recruitment biases, and a lack of mentorship, you’ll understand why many are deterred before or during their FOSS journeys. You’ll also learn how survivorship bias interacts with intersectionality, compounding challenges for women of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and others.

We’ll also explore examples of communities and initiatives that successfully counter these trends, demonstrating allyship’s role in building equitable environments. Finally, drawing on research and real-world examples, we’ll propose actionable steps to create a more inclusive and welcoming FOSS landscape for all.

Whether you’re a contributor, maintainer, or community leader, this session will give you a deeper understanding of the problem and tangible ways to drive change in your circles.

This talk was delivered with Julia Lamenza at FOSDEM 2025: https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-5103-unearthing-the-impact-of-survivorship-bias-on-women-in-foss-to-build-more-inclusive-communities/
